2024 The Importance of India’s Sacred Tree Groves to Climate Change. South Asia Monitor. Jun16 2024.
2022/23 Sacred Trees of India: Adornment and Adoration as an Alternative to the Commodification of Nature. Book published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, England. ISBN: 1-5275-8833-5. ISBN13: 978-1-5275-8833-2. Release date: 28 September.
2020 Tree Veneration: How Ancient Traditions Can Lead to Pro-environmental Behaviour. Chapter Ten in ‘Using the Visual and Performing Arts to Encourage Pro-Environmental Behaviour’ . Edited by David Curtis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, England. ISBN (10): 1-5275-5715-4. ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-5715-4
2018 Adorning and Adoring: The Sacred Trees of India. Special Issue on Sacred Trees, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture. USA. [JSRNC 12.3 (2018) 261-284] JSRNC (print) ISSN 1749-4907, 7 JSRNC (online) ISSN 1749-4915. Equinox Publishing Ltd 2018, 415 The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX.
2017 Can Interdisciplinary Teaching Led by the Arts Contribute to the Debate on Contemporary Environmental Issues? Book chapter in ‘Building Sustainability with the Arts’. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, England. ISBN (10): 1-4438-9133-9. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-9133-2
2015 The Importance of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Education and beyond for the Future of our Environment. ACUADS Conference 2015: Art & Design Education in the Global 24/7. ISBN: 978-0-9942868-1-9
2013 Rethinking mine remediation via transformative experimental art practice. Fowler-Smith L, Murray A, Keys-Statham C, Taplin RE. Artlink: Australian contemporary art quarterly 33(4), ISSN 0727-1239
2013 Balance-Unbalance 2013 International Conference. Central Queensland University. Noosa. QLD. Peer-reviewed papers. ISBN: 978-1-921047-73-2 “The Importance of Perception to Environmentalism”.
2012 Arena Journal. Review of Crisis Complex. Exhibition, Tin Sheds, Sydney
2010 The 2010 International Association for Environmental Philosophy Conference, "Geo-Aesthetics in the Anthropocene”. Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, USA. “New Perceptions – Sacred Trees”.
2009 Hindu Tree Veneration as a mode of Environmental Encounter. Published in Leonardo -The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science and Technology. Volume 42, Number 1 Edition. Pps 43 – 51. Coloured Photograph P.9., under general articles
Kadond Tree, Himalayas, India